Dec 10, 2008

Keep on keeping on

Ahhh.... the Holidays. This past weekend my company had their annual Holiday Party. They can no longer call it a Christmas party because to some people that is the most offensive thing in the world. So it was Mardi Gras themed. Nothing makes me think of the holidays like feather masks and beads.

Anyway, the greatest thing about the holiday parties for this company is some of the attire that decides to show up. The dresses are amazing. They are the type of dresses that would cause high school principals to cancel the prom if the girls showed up in these. (I asked my wife if I should have brought singles so that I could tip the waitress if you know what I mean)

We got the chat about how great the company is and how everything looks great for 2009. (I will remember that when they begin to lay people off). No great stories from this one other than the innocent insults that were hurled between friends at our dinner table. How one wife looks like a stripper in pictures, or another dating couple are obviously not right for each other. You know, things that make everyone cringe and provide much awkward silence. The food was ok and the DJ tried his best.

At least the drinks were free. Happy Mardi Gras Holiday everyone!