Jan 5, 2009

I have a job

Please don't mistake this post for some sort of "tow the company line" BS. But, let me just say, my bonus this year is I am glad that I have a job. In the economy today that makes me a lucky person.

We are supposed to find out about our raises and bonuses today. This at least tells me that while we may not have hit the numbers we wanted, at least we were still profitable and I can leave my cardboard box at home.

It got me to thinking, what kind of job would I get if I did not have my current job. I can tell you for one, I have officially given up my dream of playing in the NFL. After making myself draft eligible for the last 8 years I have received no phone calls on draft weekend. Oh well, their loss.

I have also given up my dream of being an astronaut. Who am I kidding, I don't like flying on the 1 hour Delta flights, what made me think I could handle bouncing around in space for a week or two?

I also don't want to be president anymore. I get stressed out when my neighbor parks in front of my house. I would hate to have to worry about some Arab carrying suitcase bombs around the mall of America or something.

I still would like to work for Lego. I am sure if they could only see what kind of sweet walls I can make with all the leftover pieces they would hire me in a second.

All that said, I think the job for me is writing code. Why you ask? Because, as nerdy as it is. I still like reading articles like this.
